Appeals and complaints policy
All employees and customers of SOFC have the right to have their complaint or appeal handled directly by the Director, Saffron Grant. The complaint will be fully investigated and assessed against the business processes outlined in the SOFC QMS. For complaints from employees regarding the Director, SOFC will engage the services of an appropriately experienced and trained HR professional.
For customers, the nature of the complaint will be investigated by the Director, and a decision will be made on how the complaint will be handled. The outline plan of how the complaint will be handled will be outlined to the complainant. For complaints about the quality of teaching or appeals regarding test scores and issuing of certificates, the following will be taken into account:
- Advice given to the delegate during the booking process
- Information that the delegate provided during the booking process
- Whether the student has utilised supporting materials such as handouts and the online course
- Information given about the course on the SOFC website
- Feedback about the delegate’s approach during the course
- Feedback from the trainer about course content covered
- Attendance records
- Any other relevant information provided by the Trainer or the delegate